Arriving under the influence of alcohol is tolerated, as long as the homeless person is not aggressive. However, he must prepare for the night in a separate part.

De Paul

Dormitory St. Vincenta de Paul shelters more than 180 homeless people. It is the largest one in Central Europe. People under the influence of addictive substances without signs of aggression can also find help here. In addition to soup and bed, medical treatment, shower and spare clothes are available. The premises do not meet European standards and volunteers thus replace the role of the state.

Matej Kalina

professional photographer, News and Media Holding
Matej Kalina is working for News and Media Holding, whose photos are published by Plus 7 Dní, Život, Trend, Plus 1 Deň, Šarm, Zdravie, Dobré jedlo and others. He gravitates towards a social documentary, where, according to his own words, he tries to record an undistorted reality to create a space for the viewer to have his own opinion. He won several Slovak and Czech Press Photo awards.