

The series called "Frontline" shows the cruel reality of the war in the east of Ukraine. The photographs were taken just days after the liberation of the villages during the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the fall of 2022. Since then, the front line has stopped at the villages of Torske and Terny, where the photographs were taken and where fierce fighting is still taking place. The first photo in the series was published in the book Ukraine: A War Crime by FotoEvidence Press NYC. The photobook of 93 photographers will also be exhibited at the prestigious Visa Pour l'Image festival in Perpignan. (Not even churches are spared from shelling. Terny)

Matej Šulc

free photographer
Matej Šulc is a Slovak journalist and documentarist. He was born in 1988 in Košice and deals with the topics of human rights and war conflicts. In recent years, he covered conflicts and crises in Syria, Iraq, Nagorno-Karabakh, Lebanon and Afghanistan after it was taken over by the Taliban. Since February 2022, he has covered the Russian invasion of Ukraine.