Brutal concrete and soft light.

The Harbour Bridge

Thanks to its location, the view from the Harbour Bridge shows Bratislava in all its complexity, because it does not take any part of it out of context. The views from it form collages of all the city characteristics, depicted by the industry, the history, and the quest to reinvent the face of the capital. At the same time, the Harbour Bridge is a metaphor of Bratislava in the sense that it is itself outdated, dirty and noisy, but the life around it is relentlessly trying to reshape it for modern purposes. Every day, it is crossed by many cyclists and joggers, for whom crossing the bridge is a change from a monotonous journey. However, they are denied the best view, because the bridge is neglected and the key walkway is closed to the public. There´s nothing to do but enjoy the views framed by the bridge´s pillars and, when a train passes, plug your ears and wait for the scene to reopen.

Tomáš Hrivňák

professional photographer, Denník N
I´ve majored in Media Analysis and Research at Masaryk University in Brno. Until 2020, I´ve worked as a photojournalist at the local Brno media outlet I spent one semester on a study stay in Iceland, where I published photographs in several media. In 2018, I completed a three-month journalistic internship at the daily newspaper Košice:dnes. In 2019, I published a longform on drought in Slovakia in Denník N, which was part of my bachelor´s thesis. I received the Arnost Heinrich Prize, awarded by the Czech Syndicate of Journalists for the best bachelor thesis. Since 2020, I have been writing and photographing for Denník N. In 2021, I won the Slovak Press Photo Award in the World of Art and Culture category. I won the 2021 Journalism Award in the category of written reportage.