The pathologist examines the lungs after a severe course of Covid-19 disease.

'Died from' or 'died with'

The Covid-19 pandemic hit Slovakia hard. Covid-19 has almost completely blocked our healthcare system. Its dramatic impact was also borne by pathologists, who had to cope with a huge increase in deaths. In some cases, there was insufficient capacity and the bodies had to be stored in freezers outside the standard areas. Pathologists investigated the exact causes of death at autopsy. Social networks have been hit by a senseless "Died from or died with" debate in an effort to relativize the absolute impact of the pandemic

Michal Burza

freelance photographer
Michal Burza has been involved in Press photography since 2005. Worked for various Slovak media. His photographs have been published on covers of media such as Der Spiegel and The Wall Street Journal. He has won various awards, including the Gran Prix Slovak Press Photo. He photographed during his career crisis in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine. In 2015 after covering Ukrainian crisis he took break as photographer from press photography until pandemic of Covid-19 hit Slovakia.