
A new chance ( home of st. Mary Magdalene in Jiřetín pod Jedlovou)

Jiřetín is a small village in the northernmost part of the Czech Republic, which is particularly known for its pilgrimage site on The Stations of the Cross Hill associated with the legend of the apparition of the Saviour on the Cross. From the square to the steep hill, through the stone staircase entrance and Gethsemane Garden, the Stations of the Cross with 11 stops lead to the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre. And words like hope and help to close ones in need became symbolic not only for pilgrims heading to the top of the mountain, but mainly for the inhabitants of the inconspicuous building of St. Mary Magdalene, located on the other side of the square. The unique asylum house in the Czech Republic is managed by the Diocesan Charity of Litoměřice and follows the traditions of nuns from the end of the 19th century who were active in Jiřetín at that time. It helps lone pregnant women as well as homeless mothers who are mentally handicapped or have been mentally or physically abused at home, and their children. It is very important for their children to grow up with their mothers, not to be in the institutional care of orphanages, and to experience the feeling of safety and security of home just like children do.

Jana Hunterová

Freelance photographer, CZ